Tuesday, November 15, 2005

NZ Automobile Association takes on Google - with predictable results

The Herald has a story in it's computing section (they say its Technology and Science but who are they kidding?) that the AA has released a map where you can locate all sorts of things relative to where you are. This would have been incredibly innovative if it had been unveiled about 3-4 years ago, as it is, this could just have easily been a google maps mashup and hence has been downgraded from innovative to merely iterative (or even worse a me-too offering). I would politely suggest to the AA that its intellectual property is not the map with the pin icons stuck to it, but rather the database of interesting NZ locations.
My advice? Switch to Google Maps (and tailor your data for mobile access) as the interface to allow more people to use it, give away most of the information and make money off directing viewers to businesses that have a location-dependent element to them i.e. where is the nearest hamburger bar that is rated highly by Metro magazine (the burger bar then flips 20c to you as a service fee). A highly successful and proven on-line revenue option. This scales easily and lets you focus/pour more money into the IP that is actually worth something. You can't beat Google at making cool user interfaces, don't waste your time or money trying.


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